Monday, March 25, 2019

Project of the Week for Repeat Impressions

Hi stamping friends.  Today I'd like to share with you a "PROJECT".  Today it's a little bit of organization and a little stamping and lots of card made!

So here's what I do.  When I stamp - I stamp multiple images - sometimes I color them all at once, sometimes just as I need them.  But any extras that I'm not using right away goes in this clear refrigerator/storage bin.

I use the clear bin because I can see it and it stays out on my desk that way I endeavor to used these already stamped/colored images first,

When I watercolor, die cut or stamp backgrounds, I do multiple copies.  Then I put them in this little storage book.  The storage book is small - on purpose.  If I get too many, I get overwhelmed.  So I only keep a few and cull the rest.

So today, I was able to put 3 cards together in about 15-20 minutes because everything was already done - I just need to put on pop dots or tape runner.

Supplies for these 3 cards

A birthday is.....
Thanks a latte
Coffee Cup
Spring is.....
Grass Border
Large Wavy Oval Frame

Thanks for looking at my project.  Hope this encourages you to stamp, color and paint a few extras the next time you sit down to play!

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