Monday, May 20, 2019

Pick of the Week for Repeat Impressions

Today Wendy, owner of Repeat Impressions is allowing me pick a few stamps to feature -- I was so excited to do this because I was fortunate enough to attend The Great Yosemite Stamp Escape and while there I got some inspiration from a demonstration of envelope art by Nola Chandler.

Here are the supplies you will need

fine line ink pen
your favorite ink - I used Memento
your favorite coloring medium
  (markers or pens or pencils)
stamps of your choice


Here are the stamps I used:

Morning Glories
Stencil Bouquet
Nap Time Fairy

I quickly stamped these on the front of the envelopes and colored with different pens and markers.  If I wanted to make the stamp look like it was peeking from behind the address, I just used a simple mask from some typing paper

 Here are the envelopes:

Then I drew a simple box with a fine line pen where the address would go.  I didn't try to make it look perfect - in fact I kinda accented that the lines were not straight.

These are so much fun - and quick, quick, quick to make.  Thanks again to Nola Chandler for her inspiration.  And thank you for looking at my project.

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