Tuesday, September 22, 2020

100 Same Dress Challenge

Hi - I'm not one to usually take on strange challenges, but today is the day!  I'm wearing the same dress for 100 days - WHAT???? - Challenge by wooland.com - go check it out.  I'm going to try it - so is my friend, Linda Dyer.  I ordered the Navy - thinking I might find some cool leggings to go with Navy.

My girls have laughed their head off - they don't think I can do it. We will see - I'm willing to try.  So here goes.  Day one pic

 It's very comfortable and has POCKETS!!  Love that.  Wanna try the challenge with me - go to 100 day dress challenge or Wooland.com and see the rules and guidelines (not many)

Wooland.com promise is to "design the most practical, most wearable dress in your wardrobe."

Day 1 was a piece of cake!

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